Tongue Tie Frenectomy
For every patient we first do a thorough evaluation to assess and document the type and degree of frenum attachment.
In the case of infants with breastfeeding problems, we ask the mother to nurse the baby after the procedure. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the frenectomy and provides comfort for both mother and baby. This is usually an emotional time because most babies effectively latch and nurse well for the first time ever.
For all patients, post-release exercises are reviewed. These exercises are simple yet very important because they promote proper healing and prevent reattachment. They also help to re-educate the tongue which has been restricted for the patient's entire life.

Please Note: Payment for frenectomies is due at the time of the procedure. We provide a detailed Letter of Medical Necessity for you to use to submit a claim to your insurance. The letter includes: diagnosis codes, treatment codes and photographic documentation which is everything you need.
We accept all major credit cards and also offer Care Credit to help you meet your treatment needs.
A tongue tie frenectomy is safe and easy and has made positive changes in adults as well as children. We are constantly amazed at the changes we hear about after tongue tie frenectomies.
Here is a video of Dr. Haller doing a lingual frenectomy on a 17-year-old young man with speech problem
The video "Finding Connor Deegan" tells the story of a boy who had sleep apnea from an undiagnosed tongue tie and allergies.
This video tells the story of a young boy who never spoke until a dentist diagnosed and released his tongue tie.