
Releasing tongue and upper lip ties can eliminate a huge road block in a baby's ability to breastfeed. However, breastfeeding difficulties can be from a combination of issues of which having a tongue tie may only be one. We recommend that every mother whose baby undergoes a frenectomy followup with a professional, board certified, lactation consultant. These trained professionals specialize in breastfeeding problems and understand the difficulties and frustrations new mothers can experience. They are a treasure trove of knowledge, helpful hints, tips and ideas.
There are many breastfeeding consultants out there. We recommend looking for ones who are International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) certified.
This is a list of IBCLC lactation consultants in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area who Dr. Haller has interviewed and personally recommends:
Delmar Bauta
Pamela DiBosco, IBCLC, RLC
Jackie Adames, RN, BSN, IBCLC, RLC
Yoly Castellanos, IBCLC
Ana Urbasterra
Fatima Gonzalez, IBCLC
Jodi Miranda, CLC, CLE
Hollywood Birth Center
Sandy Lobaina
Marina Langsfeld
Post-frenectomy exercises and stretching are very important. After the procedure, you need to keep the wound site open so that it does not heal closed or reattach. Also, all wounds naturally contract when healing. After going through all of this to expand the tongue's range of motion, stretching must be done for several weeks to maintain it. Here is an excellent video for helping you do post frenectomy exercises with your baby. It is done by Dr. Rajeev Agarwal who is a pediatrician who uses the same CO2 laser that I do.
post frenectomy
I recommend checking out his entire website for valuable information about tongue ties from a pediatrician's point of view.

Hi Dr. Haller,
it was a bit of a rough week, but I am nursing and sleeping so much better now. This makes my mom really happy so thank you. I'll see you again when I have teeth!

Dr. Joe Coffman
Dr. Beth Cooper
Dr. Vivian Keeler
Theresa Gilmore
occupational therapy
Irene Martinez
other helpful web links
All About Breastfeeding
Lawrence Kotlow, DDS
Dr. Kotlow is a pediatric dentist and a leader in laser frenectomies. In addition to many articles, he has published several books that are extremely helpful.
Tell Me About Tongue Ties! | Breastfeeding USA
Ask The Dentist -- discussion about tongue ties
Melanie Potock Expert Feeding Advice
Milk Matters
Guideline on Management Considerations for Pediatric Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology
This is the official statement put out by the Academy which notes that "laser technology for frenectomies has demonstrated a shorter operative working time, a better ability to control bleeding, reduced intra-and post-operative pain and discomfort, fewer postoperative complications (e.g. swelling, infection), no need for suture removal, and increased patient acceptance."
Bobbie Ghaheri, MD
Dr. Ghaheri's Blog posts are all terrific for explaining issues with breastfeeding and how releasing a tongue-tie and upper-lip tie can help infants to breastfeed more effectively.
Infant Massage of South Florida
Kathy Lee Kondla, CEIM
South Florida Music
Early childhood music classes from birth to 9 years
Tongue-tie -- Exploding the Myths
This article gives a good overview of tongue-ties and quotes from an article by McBride which states that "No strong evidence that more complex procedures confer any advantage over more simple techniques."